The law is a system of rules that governs human relationships, regulates business and enforces justice. It consists of statutes, case law and constitutional provisions. Lawyers who specialize in the law are called attorneys or solicitors. Attorneys who have earned higher degrees in the law are called barristers or doctors of law.
Legal systems vary from country to country, influenced by political culture and religious beliefs, as well as history and economics. Laws are enacted by legislatures, which represent the interests of citizens. They are interpreted by courts and enforced by police and other government agencies.
Laws are used to protect the rights of individuals and groups, ensure fair treatment and equality, and provide a framework for social change. However, some legal systems may oppress minorities or maintain the status quo.
The legal profession is one of the oldest in the world. It is a prestigious field, and lawyers are known by many names, including Esquire and Doctor of Law. Law is also the name of a number of institutions and organizations, such as the International Court of Justice, the European Court of Justice and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Modern law is the result of centuries of experimentation and evolution. The law has evolved from oral traditions, royal decrees and customary precedent, to written statutes and judicial decisions. The legal philosophy espoused by philosopher Hans Kelsen is that “law does not describe what must occur, but defines certain rules to be abided by.”
Today, laws are enacted by legislative bodies that represent the public interest and interpreted by courts. The main legal fields are criminal, family and civil law. Criminal law relates to crime and imposes punishments, while civil law settles disputes between people or entities. Family law relates to marriage and divorce, child custody and property rights. The civil and criminal law systems are based on custom, precedent and common sense, but they have been greatly improved by technology and the development of jurisprudence.
One of the most important developments in the history of law was Henry II’s institutionalization of common law in England in the eleventh century. He elevated local custom to national law, removing many arbitrary remedies and returning a jury of citizens, who investigated and tried civil accusations and crimes, to the heart of the trial process. This brought a greater level of transparency to the courtroom and helped prevent corruption.
The law is a complex subject. In addition to statutory and common law, many jurisdictions have religious or moral laws. Religious laws, such as Jewish Halakha and Islamic Sharia, rely on further elaboration, Qiyas, Ijma and case law to form extensive legal systems. This makes them difficult to change or legislate against, unlike secular laws. A legal system needs to balance these factors in order to work effectively. A judge’s decision in a case depends on the facts, the legal literature and previous court decisions, including those of lower and higher courts.