Articles About Entertaiment


Articles About Entertaiment

The word entertainment has many connotations, and can mean anything from a simple diversion—solving the daily crossword puzzle—to an elaborate ball or theatrical production. It can also be a form of therapy or catharsis, or a means of rebalancing and restoring function in the face of life’s challenges. It is a means of relaxation, escape, deferral and avoidance, or a form of euphoria.

It is a medium that continually adapts, and can be tailored for the personal needs of any individual, group or organization—for example a private entertainment downloaded from the vast array of pre-recorded products available, to a bespoke banquet or party for two, or for large crowds at concerts and festivals. It can even be used to fund a medical research breakthrough, like the SU2C model forged by J.R.R. Tolkien and other leading scientists, to help conquer cancer faster.

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